Setting up the Development Environment

Environment Setup


Developing on Gloo Gateway requires the following to be installed on your system:

To install all the requirements, run the following:

On macOS:

# install the Command Line Tools package if not already installed
xcode-select --install

# install protoc
# note that you can also try simply running `make install-protoc` instead of running the below instructions
curl -LO
sudo mv bin/protoc /usr/local/bin/
rm -rf bin include readme.txt

# install go
curl | bash

# install gogo-proto
go get -u

On Debian/Ubuntu linux:

# install make and unzip and build tools
sudo apt install make unzip build-essential -y

# install protoc
# note that you can also try simply running `make install-protoc` instead of running the below instructions
curl -LO
sudo mv bin/protoc /usr/local/bin/
rm -rf bin include readme.txt

# install go
curl | bash

# install gogo-proto
go get -u

Setting up the Solo-Kit and Gloo Gateway Repositories

Next, we’ll clone the Gloo Gateway and Solo-Kit source code. Solo-Kit is required for code generation in Gloo Gateway.

Currently, Gloo Gateway plugins must live inside the Gloo Gateway repository itself.

Ensure you’ve installed go and have a your $GOPATH set. If unset, it will default to ${HOME}/go. The Gloo Gateway repo should live in ${GOPATH}/src/

To clone your fork of the repository:

mkdir -p ${GOPATH}/src/
cd ${GOPATH}/src/
git clone
# alternatively you can clone using your SSH key:
git clone

To run the main.go files locally in your system make sure to have a Kubernetes Cluster running.

You should now be able to run any main.go file in the Gloo Gateway repository using:

go run <path-to-cmd>/main.go

For example:

# run gloo locally
go run projects/gloo/cmd/main.go
# run discovery locally
go run projects/discovery/cmd/main.go
# run gateway locally
go run projects/gateway/cmd/main.go

Awesome! You’re ready to start developing on Gloo Gateway! Check out the Writing Upstream Plugins Guide to see how to add plugins to gloo.

Enabling Code Generation

To generate or re-generate code in Gloo Gateway, some additional dependencies are required. Follow these steps if you are making changes to Gloo Gateway’s Protobuf-based API.

Install Solo-Kit and required go packages:

cd ${GOPATH}/src/

# install required go packages
make install-go-tools

You can test that code generation works with Gloo Gateway:

make -B generated-code
echo $?

The echo output should be 0 if everything worked correctly.